At Li
keBillion, we are co mmitted to pr otecting yo ur pr ivacy. Th is Pr ivacy Policy ex plains how we co llect, us e, and sa feguard yo ur pe rsonal in formation wh en you use our website.We co
llect in formation su ch as yo ur em ail ad dress and any me ssages you su bmit th rough the co ntact fo rm. We do not co llect any fi nancial or se nsitive pe rsonal information.Your in
formation is us ed to re spond to yo ur in quiries and to pr ovide su pport. We do not sh are yo ur pe rsonal in formation wi th th ird pa rties, ex cept as re quired by law.We ta
ke ap propriate se curity me asures to pr otect yo ur pe rsonal in formation fr om un authorized ac cess, al teration, or di sclosure. Ho wever, no me thod of tr ansmission ov er the in ternet is 10 0% se cure, and we ca nnot gu arantee ab solute security.We may up
date th is Pr ivacy Policy fr om ti me to ti me. It is yo ur re sponsibility to re view th is po licy pe riodically for any changes.If you ha
ve any qu estions ab out th is Pr ivacy Po licy, pl ease co ntact us via the co ntact fo rm on our website.